
SFMF's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 4,789 (From 598 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 83,895 Points

Sneaky Ranch Day 5

Medals Earned: 5/5 (200/200 points)

Egg Salesman 25 Points

Sell some eggs.

Exterminator 25 Points

Kill the bugs!

Puzzler 50 Points

Solve a puzzle.

Sleep! 50 Points


Word Master 50 Points

Wolve the word puzzle!

Sneaky Ranch Day 6

Medals Earned: 5/5 (150/150 points)

Deliver wood 25 Points

Deliver wood

Feed the cows 25 Points

Feed the cows

Feed the horse 25 Points

Feed the horse

Tomato Salesman 25 Points

Sell some tomatoes!

Sleep! 50 Points


Snowman Slide

Medals Earned: 15/17 (325/475 points)

Beat level 1 5 Points

Beat the first level of a game!

Beat level 5 5 Points

Beat the first five levels of a game!

Get 10 coins 5 Points

Collect ten coins in one game

Total score of 250000 5 Points

Collect a total of 250,000 points in the game

Beat level 10 10 Points

Beat the first ten levels of a game!

Score 30000 points 10 Points

Collect 30,000 points in one level

Score 50000 points 10 Points

Collect 50,000 points in one level

Beat all levels 25 Points

Beat all 15 levels!

Get 50 coins 25 Points

Collect fifty coins in one game

Score 80000 points 25 Points

Collect 80,000 points in one level

Total score of 350000 25 Points

Collect a total of 350,000 points in the game

Total score of 600000 25 Points

Collect a total of 600,000 points in the game

Get 100 coins 50 Points

Collect a hundred coins in one game

Get all coins 50 Points

Collect all of the coins in a game

Total score of 720000 50 Points

Collect a total of 720,000 points in the game

Least moves 50 Points

Beat all levels with the least moves possible

Get all achievements 100 Points

Get all of the achievements


Medals Earned: 3/7 (30/110 points)

Bronze Medal in Awesomeness 10 Points

Achieve 1m points in a single run.

Where'd All My Tunes Go At?! 10 Points

Go fast enough to lose your headphones to the wind.

Wicked Tricks 10 Points

Achieve a 50x multi.

Nice Jump 5 Points

Get 100k points in a single high jump.

Awesome Combo! 25 Points

Achieve 100x multi.

Gold Medal in Awesomeness 25 Points

Achieve 50m points in a single run.

Sick Air! 25 Points

Get 1m points in a single high jump.

Sonac the Hodgeman 2

Medals Earned: 10/12 (90/145 points)

Gotta Go Quickly 5 Points

Go quickly

Like Really Bad 5 Points

Get negative 20 rings

Seriously Dude 5 Points

Get negative 50 rings

You're Bad at This 5 Points

Get a negative number of rings

You're Moving Too Slow 5 Points

Go the minimum speed

Double Kill 10 Points

Kill 2 enemies as Sonac without touching the ground

Just Quit 10 Points

Get negative 100 rings or something like come on

Not the Bees 10 Points

Kill 5 bees

Too Quickly 10 Points

You went too quickly

Scrambled Eggs 25 Points

Defeat Mr. Eggs in battle

Ring Lover 5 Points

Get 100 rings in a row without missing any

Triple Kill 50 Points

Kill 3 enemies as Sonac without touching the ground

Sonac the Hodgeman 3

Medals Earned: 22/22 (280/280 points)

Brass Knackles 5 Points

Collect 50 rangs as Knackles. (unlocks ???)

Edgy Gem Collector 5 Points

Collect 7 chaos emmastones as Shadoo. (unlocks ???)

Frodo 5 Points

Destroy a rang.

Gem Collector 5 Points

Collect 7 chaos emmastones as Sonac. (unlocks ???)

Gotta Go Quickly 5 Points

Go quickly

I am Kazaam 5 Points

Play as Picture of Shaq

Like Really Bad 5 Points

Negative 20 rangs? Are you trying?

Ludicrous Speed 5 Points

Go as quickly as hodgemanly possible.

Scrambled Eggs 5 Points

Defeat Mr. Eggs in hand to hand combat

Seriously 5 Points

Negative 50 rangs. Are you okay

Too Quickly 5 Points

You went too quickly

You're Bad at This 5 Points

Get a negative number of rangs you loser

You're Too Unquick 5 Points

Go as unquickly as possible

Double Kill 10 Points

Kill 2 enemies without touching the ground, as a non-flying character

Just Quit 10 Points

Negative 100 rangs like how bad can you even be at a thing

Missile Defense 10 Points

Destroy 15 enemies with missiles. (unlocks Shadoo)

Not the Bees 10 Points

Kill 5 bees you racist

Indiana Jones 25 Points

Collect 30 chaos emmastones as any character.

Rang Lover 25 Points

Gather 100 rangs in a row without missing any

Triple Kill 25 Points

Kill 3 enemies without touching the ground, as a non-flying character

Variety 50 Points

Play as every character except ???

You Will Never Get This Time Back 50 Points

Play as any character for 5 minutes. (unlocks ???)

SoulCrusher Cabin

Medals Earned: 2/7 (55/320 points)

Full Bars 50 Points

Use the highest magic level.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

No Hitter 100 Points

Don't take damage in a level.

Quick Time 100 Points

Do it in under 10 minutes

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 5/10 (35/105 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Space Incident

Medals Earned: 3/12 (75/400 points)

Himself to blame 25 Points

Fly to the Earth, but to lose the shuttle and Dunmer

No trace 25 Points

Fly to Earth, but losing the shuttle and the entire team

Do not panic 25 Points

Beat the game never allowing the team member to panic

Complete victory 50 Points

Fly to Earth, to save the crew and the shuttle

Goodbye, Dunmer 25 Points

Fly to Earth, to save the shuttle, but lose Dunmer.

Goodbye, Jackie 25 Points

Fly to Earth, to save the shuttle, but Jackie in losing.

Last live 25 Points

Fly to Earth, to save the shuttle, but Dunmer and Jackie in losing.

Suffocation 25 Points

Fly to Earth, to save the shuttle, but lose the whole team.

Hard move 25 Points

Fly to Earth, but the shuttle and Jackie in losing

Almost defeat 25 Points

Fly to the Earth, but to lose a shuttle Dunmer and Jackie in

All are alive! 25 Points

Fly to Earth and save the team, but losing shuttle

Complete walkthrough 100 Points

Perform all endings.

Spacejacked: Endless Mode

Medals Earned: 9/9 (270/270 points)

Ardent Supporter 5 Points

Visit the Greenlight webbie link.

Piece of Cake 5 Points

Finish the tutorial.

Baby Steps 10 Points

Have 11 turrets on the spaceship.

Dave the Builder 25 Points

Have 22 turrets on the spaceship.

Hugo's Poison 25 Points

Defeat a Hugo.

I'm a Survivor! 50 Points

Survive 20 waves.

Master Builder 50 Points

Have 33 turrets on the spaceship.

Perfectionist 50 Points

Survive 11 consecutive waves without any core taking damage.

The Untouchable 50 Points

Survive 11 consecutive waves without Dave getting hurt.